The Display Menu


Use the Display menu or Display Palette to quickly turn on and off the display of various groups of sky objects, as well as the horizon and daylight. For information on adjusting how each of these is displayed, please see the corresponding section in the chapter Customizing Starry Night.


Hides or shows your local physical horizon in the active document. Not available when planets are turned off, no documents are open, or your viewing orientation is not "Local (Standard)". See the Horizon chapter for information on changing the horizon options.


If viewing during the day from a planet with an atmosphere turns daylight on and off in the active document. Not available when planets are turned off, no documents are open, or you are viewing in chart format.

The Milky Way

Turns on and off an outline guide of the Milky Way. To change the color of this Milky Way outline or to change the magnification at which it stops displaying please see the Milky Way chapter.

Messier Objects

Turns on and off display of the Messier objects. See the Messier chapter for information on changing the Messier options.

  • Note: a quick way to turn labels showing the names of the Messier objects on and off is to hold down the SHIFT key while selecting this menu item.


Turns on and off display of the NGC/IC objects. See the NGC/IC chapter for information on changing the NGC/IC options.

  • Note: a quick way to turn labels showing the names of the NGC/IC objects on and off is to hold down the SHIFT key while selecting this menu item.


Turns on and off display of the stars. See the Stars chapter for information on changing the star options.

  • Note: a quick way to turn labels showing the names of the stars on and off is to hold down the SHIFT key while selecting this menu item.


Turns on and off display of the planets. Since the Earth is a planet, when planets are turned off the local horizon and daylight will not be shown. See the Planets chapter for information on changing the planet options.

  • Note: a quick way to turn labels showing the names of the planets on and off is to hold down the SHIFT key while selecting this menu item.


Turns on and off display of the comets. See the Comets chapter for information on changing the comet options.

  • Note: a quick way to turn labels showing the names of the comets on and off is to hold down the SHIFT key while selecting this menu item.

Display Palette

The Display Palette

Starry Night has a palette which allows you to turn any display group on or off with the simple push of a button. This floating palette also allows you to quickly access the options for each display group.

Options Buttons

The options for each group are accessed by using the buttons on the right side of the window. This buttons are referred to as Option buttons.

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